Mammals in Mechanically Thinned and Non-Thinned Mixed-Coniferous Forest in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico


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Mechanical thinning is an important silviculture technique for timber production and reducing woody fuels in coniferous forest, but little is known about its effect on wildlife in mixed-coniferous forests in the American Southwest. During 2005-2006 we examined diversity, abundance and survival of terrestrial mammals in thinned and non-thinned mixed-coniferous forest in the Sacramento Mountains, Lincoln National Forest, in southern New Mexico. The three thinning treatments included two non-commercial thins with different slash treatments (i.e., lop-pile, lop-scatter) and a commercial harvest using selective logging. There were two non-thinned treatments that differed in age of stand (i.e., 20-30 years and 60-100 years post harvest). In general, thinned treatments had higher richness and abundance of mammals in comparison with the older non-thinned stand, but did not differ in richness and abundance from the younger non-thinned stand. Abundance of the North American deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) and red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) did not differ among treatments. However, survival of P. maniculatus varied more in the non-thinned stands. Abundances of the gray-footed chipmunk (Tamias canipes) and long-tailed vole (Microlus longicaudus) were significantly lower in the older non-thinned treatments. These results suggest that thinning older stands of mixed-coniferous forest that are overly dense compared with historical conditions benefit the mammal community through increases in diversity and abundance. In comparing the three mechanical-thinning treatments evaluated, none provided a clear cost or advantage to mammals. However, additional controlled experiments are needed to further corroborate these results.
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