Petabyte scale databases and storage systems at Facebook.


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ABSTRACTAt Facebook, we use various types of databases and storage system to satisfy the needs of different applications. The solutions built around these data store systems have a common set of requirements: they have to be highly scalable, maintenance costs should be low and they have to perform efficiently. We use a sharded mySQL+memcache solution to support real-time access of tens of petabytes of data and we use TAO to provide consistency of this web-scale database across geographical distances. We use Haystack data store for storing the 3 billion new photos we host every week. We use Apache Hadoop to mine intelligence from 100 petabytes of click logs and combine it with the power of Apache HBase to store all Facebook Messages. This paper describes the reasons why each of these databases is appropriate for that workload and the design decisions and tradeoffs that were made while implementing these solutions. We touch upon the consistency, availability and partitioning tolerance of each of these solutions. We touch upon the reasons why some of these systems need ACID semantics and other systems do not. We describe the techniques we have used to map the Facebook Graph Database into a set of relational tables. We speak of how we plan to do big-data deployments across geographical locations and our requirements for a new breed of pure-memory and pure-SSD based transactional database. Esteemed researchers in the Database Management community have benchmarked query latencies on Hive/Hadoop to be less performant than a traditional Parallel DBMS. We describe why these benchmarks are insufficient for Big Data deployments and why we continue to use Hadoop/Hive. We present an alternate set of benchmark techniques that measure capacity of a database, the value/byte in that database and the efficiency of inbuilt crowd-sourcing techniques to reduce administration costs of that database.
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