An Immune System-Inspired Approach for Composite Web Services Reuse


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Abstract. Recently, a growing number of Web Services have emerged at a fast rate. However, there are many situations where individual web services, alone, cannot satisfy user requirements. This has raised the need ,for service providers and ,application developers to develop,value added services by combining,existing web,services into composite web,services. Web services composition is now a very active research field, and several solutions have been proposed. However, few existing solutions address the issue of service composition ,reuse and spe- cialization, i.e, how applications can be built upon existing simple or composite web services by reuse, restriction, or extension. Inthis paper, we introduce the concept of abstract composite web service, that can be specialized to particular concrete composi- tions, and that can be reused in the construction of larger or ex- tended compositions. We propose ,an approach ,based on immune system, in which we combine structural and usage information in order to promote and create stable composite web services, in an affinity maturation process.
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