Mobile social software: realizing potential, managing risks.

Scott Counts, G. Henri ter Hofte,Ian Smith

CHI06: CHI 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Montréal Québec Canada April, 2006(2006)

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Given recent hardware, platform development, and internet connectivity gains, mobile devices are quickly becoming key outlets for social software. Bringing social software into the physical social world raises a number of critical research questions, including issues of changes to the ways people socialize, the potentially sweeping impact of location services, how physical world context should be captured and incorporated, and a host of privacy concerns. This workshop seeks to address these and other key issues around the proliferation of social software on mobile devices. Additionally, the workshop focuses on research tools and approaches for studying these questions, projected future directions for social software on mobile devices, and the role of related technologies, such as hardware and communication protocols.
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