Differential steroid hormone regulation of human glandular kallikrein (hK2) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in breast cancer cell lines

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment(2000)

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We have investigated the steroid hormone regulation of human glandular kallikrein (hK2) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the breast cancer cell lines BT-474, T-47D, MFM-223, MCF-7, ZR-75-1, MDA-MB-435, and BT-20. Using highly sensitive time-resolved fluorometric immunoassays, we were able to detect significant amounts of both kallikreins in tissue culture supernatants of BT-474, T-47D, and MFM-223 cells after hormonal stimulation. However, BT-474 cells produce much more hK2 than PSA, whereas the situation is reversed in T-47D cells. Furthermore, BT-474 cells produce, on absolute terms, about 500–1,000-fold more hK2 than T-47D cells. From all steroids tested, mibolerone, a synthetic non-metabolizable androgen, was the most potent stimulator for both kallikreins followed by the synthetic progestin norgestrel. Estradiol was able to induce production of small but significant amounts of hK2 and PSA in the BT-474 cell line, supporting the notion that there is a cross-talk between the estrogen and androgen hormone-receptor signaling pathways. MFM-223 is an androgen responsive cell line, devoid of other steroid hormone receptors, which is also capable of producing hK2 and PSA but at much lower amounts. MCF-7 and ZR-75-1 cell lines failed to produce any protein, even though they have similar steroid receptor content as the BT-474 and T-47D cell lines. This was also the case for MDA-MB-435, a cell line rich in androgen receptors. Our data suggest that the expression of the hK2 gene in breast cancer cell lines is mainly under the control of androgens and progestins, similarly to PSA. These cell lines may represent good models for studying the differential expression of these two genes and for identifying cellular factors (e.g. co-activators/co-repressors), which may modify the potency of expression after hormonal stimulation.
steroid hormones,gene regulation,breast cancer cell lines,kallikreins,prostate-specific antigen,human glandular kallikrein,hormones and cancer
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