Perceptions of Private Forest Owners in West Virginia on the Use of Prescribed Fire in Forestry

Small-scale Forestry(2010)

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Prescribed fire is the controlled application of fire to accomplish planned land management objectives. Public acceptance of prescribed fire varies in different parts of the world, and is little known in the state of West Virginia, USA. West Virginia is about 80% forested, and most of the forest land is in private ownership. Further, the region is home to oak ( Quercus spp.), a possibly fire-dependent and highly valuable genus. Due to real and perceived risks associated with prescribed fires, it was hypothesized that forest owners are unwilling to accept the use of prescribed fire as a forest management option, even for the regeneration of oak. Non-industrial private forest owners in West Virginia were surveyed to shed light on their attitudes and opinions regarding the use of prescribed fire as a forest management tool. Contrary to the hypothesis, 64% of the responding owners were supportive of the use of prescribed fire. Acceptance was related to knowledge of prescribed fires or of firefighters. Major concerns included personal and property safety and being informed prior to burning. Therefore, while acceptance of prescribed fires among forest owners is high, timely notification can ensure further and, likely, increased, cooperation from the landowners.
Private landowners,Attitudes,Forest management,Oak regeneration
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