Intranuclear cascade in the interactions of neutrinos with neon nuclei

E. S. Vataga, V. S. Murzin,M. Aderholz,V. V. Ammosov, A. S. Asratian,M. Barth,H. H. Bingham,E. B. Brucker,R. A. Burnstein,T. K. Chatterjee, E. C. Clayton, P. F. Ermolov, I. N. Erofeeva,P. J. W. Faulkner,G. S. Gapienko,J. Guy,J. Hanlon, G. Harigel,A. A. Ivanilov,V. Jain,G. T. Jones,M. D. Jones, T. Kafka,V. S. Kaftanov, M. Kalelkar,J. M. Kohli,V. A. Korablev,M. A. Kubantsev, M. Lauko,O. Yu. Lukina, J. Lys, S. I. Lyutov, P. Marage,R. H. Milburn,I. S. Mittra,D. R. O. Morrison, V. I. Moskalev, G. Myatt, R. Naon,D. Passmore,M. W. Peters,H. Rubin, J. Sacton, J. Schneps,J. B. Singh,S. Singh,W. Smart,L. N. Smirnova, P. Stamer,K. E. Varvell,W. Venus, S. Willocq

Physics of Atomic Nuclei(2000)

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A method is developed for separating ν N interactions from interactions involving an intranuclear cascade in νNe scattering at a mean neutrino energy of 145 GeV. The fraction of events featuring a cascade is evaluated by using a sample of νNe charged-current interactions. It is found that the multiplicity of charged particles in the forward direction takes the same value for events with and without a cascade for 4< W 2 <550 GeV 2 . In the backward direction, cascade events have the charge multiplicity higher than the multiplicity for cascade-free events by 2.36 units. It is found that particles with momenta less than 2 GeV/ c make a dominant contribution to the rescattering process. A depletion of the fastest particles for W 2 <50 GeV 2 is observed, in accord with the formation-time concept.
Elementary Particle,Charged Particle,Neon,Forward Direction,Dominant Contribution
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