Stimulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine nerve cells in dorsal and median raphe nuclei elevates blood glucose in rats

Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology(1991)

引用 14|浏览1
The role played by dorsal or median raphe nuclei in glucoregulation was investigated by stimulating these nuclei in normal rats and in rats with chemical ablation of the hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) nerve cells in these nuclei. Electrical stimulation of either dorsal or median raphe nuclei increased blood glucose or the in vivo voltammetric signal of hypothalamic 5-OH-indole in normal rats; the increase in blood glucose level or the hypothalamic 5-OH-indole release was proportional to the intensity of stimulation. Microinjection of kainic acid or l-glutamate at the same sites also produced hyperglycemia or stimulated the hypothalamic 5-OH-indole release. This stimulation-induced hyperglycemia was significantly reduced by pretreatment of animals with spinal transection or adrenalectomy. In addition, selective destruction of the hypothalamic 5-HT nerve fibers, produced by administration of 5,7-di-hydroxytryptamine (a 5-HT nerve depletor) into both dorsal and median raphe regions, reduced the magnitude of the hyperglycemic responses to electrical stimulation of either dorsal or median raphe nuclei. The data indicate that stimulation of ascending 5-HT pathways in the rat's brain increases the adrenal-sympathetic efferent activity and leads to hyperglycemia.
Glucoregulation,Serotonin,Hypothalamus,Electrical stimulation,Raphe nucleus,Kainic acid,5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine,l,-Glutamate,Voltammetry
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