Sounds of silence: exploring contributions to conversations, non-responses and the impact of mediating technologies in triple space.

CSCW'14: Computer Supported Cooperative Work Baltimore Maryland USA February, 2014(2014)

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We investigate collocated triads as they play a collaborative, problem-solving game using distributed technology on laptops. We examine how different triads attain and maintain mutual understanding in triple-space--when working on a hard problem, with communicating technologies and face-to-face interaction. We present qualitative and quantitative evidence that demonstrates the descriptive adequacy of a model of triadic interaction in triple space. We use that model to argue that the notion of good-enoughness is not a group attribute, but rather tied to each dyadic pair. This intellectual framework allows us to examine how non- response operates within these triple-space interactions when interaction is supported by different media. The results related to non-response raise the possibility that different media may result in subtle influence on the balance of participant goals.
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