Legal aspects of injuries due to positioning of the patient in urology]


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Each positioning of the patient has method specific risks and risk increasing factors which depend on the type of surgery carried out. The causes of damage during positioning are pressure and strain when the protective reflexes are out of action, as well as a reduction of the shielding muscle tone through anaesthesia. The surgeon is responsible for the positioning of the patient, and the anaesthetist for the "infusion arm". For this interdisciplinary cooperation, the principles of horizontal work division are required: strict role boundaries, trust without reciprocal direction, close coordination and reciprocal respect for the specialist requirements of the partner, resolution of conflicts taking these requirements into consideration and the final decision of the surgeon. Legally, the damage caused by the positioning of the patient is considered to be fully under control. It can only be reduced by medical care but can not be eliminated. For compensation, the medical practitioner must prove that the appropriate amount of care was taken in the positioning of the patient as well as in the medical cooperation.
method specific positioning of the patient,strict role boundaries,trust and close coordination duties,controllable and chance risks,burden of proof of the medical practitioner
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