The effect of dexamethasone on neuropeptide y concentrations in specific hypothalamic regions

Life Sciences(1992)

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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a major hypothalamic peptide which is implicated in the regulation of energy balance and in the activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis. This study aimed primarily to determine the effects on regional hypothalamic NPY levels, of catabolism and weight loss induced in rats by the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, injected daily at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg for 7 days. NPY concentrations were significantly raised in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of male Wistar rats (45%, p=0.009; n=10) compared with saline-injected controls (n=10). Body weight (p<0.001) and food intake (p<0.001) were significantly reduced, plasma insulin concentrations were increased (p<0.001), but there was no change in glucose concentrations. Chronic dexamethasone treatment did not cause the marked NPY increases in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and other hypothalamic regions which have been observed in other catabolic states causing weight loss. One possible explanation is the high insulin levels induced by dexamethasone, which may have prevented compensatory hyperphagia by suppressing an increase in hypothalamic NPYergic activity. We also examined the acute effects of a single dexamethasone injection on regional hypothalamic levels, to determine whether the drug had a direct action separate from that due to sustained weight loss. In the acute study, groups of rats (n=7) were examined at 4 h after a single injection of dexamethasone or saline. NPY concentrations were significantly increased in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), (60%, p=0.008) when compared with saline-injected controls, but there was no change in body weight or glucose or insulin concentrations during the 4h interval. Altered transport or release of NPY in the lateral hypothalamic area may be a result of acute feedback regulation by glucocorticoids on the hypothalamus.
insulin,weight loss,neuropeptide y,analysis of variance
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