Towards Training Set Reduction for Bug Triage

Computer Software and Applications Conference(2017)

引用 62|浏览60
Bug triage is an important step in the process of bug fixing. The goal of bug triage is to assign a new-coming bug to the correct potential developer. The existing bug triage approaches are based on machine learning algorithms, which build classifiers from the training sets of bug reports. In practice, these approaches suffer from the large-scale and low-quality training sets. In this paper, we propose the training set reduction with both feature selection and instance selection techniques for bug triage. We combine feature selection with instance selection to improve the accuracy of bug triage. The feature selection algorithm X2-test, instance selection algorithm Iterative Case Filter, and their combinations are studied in this paper. We evaluate the training set reduction on the bug data of Eclipse. For the training set, 70% words and 50% bug reports are removed after the training set reduction. The experimental results show that the new and small training sets can provide better accuracy than the original one.
feature selection algorithm,software quality,bug report,bug triage,existing bug triage approach,training set reduction,towards training set reduction,program debugging,small training set,software maintenance,instance selection algorithm,bug data,new-coming bug,training set,feature selection,iterative case filter,bug fixing,low-quality training set,iterative methods,instance selection,accuracy,computer bugs,machine learning
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