Lower bounds on the amount of randomness in private computation.

STOC03: The 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing San Diego CA USA June, 2003(2003)

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We consider the amount of randomness necessary in information-theoretic private protocols. We prove that at least Ω(log n) random bits are necessary for the t-private computation of the function xor by n players, for any t ≥ 2. In view of the upper bound of O(t2log(n/t))[19], this bound is tight, up to constant factors, for any fixed t. For a class of protocols obeying certain restrictions, we give stronger lower bounds of Ω(t log (n/t)). We note that all known randomness efficient private protocols designed specifically for xor belong to this class. All our lower bounds hold for the "trusted dealer" model as well, and the Ω(t log (n/t)) lower bound for restricted protocols is tight, up to constant factors, for any t ≥ 2 in this model.In comparison, the previous lower bounds on the amount of randomness required by t-private computation of explicit functions did not grow with n for constant values of t, and our results improve the previous lower bounds for xor for any 2 ≤ t = o(log n). Our results also show that already for t = 2, Ω(log n) random bits are necessary, while it is known that for the case of t = 1 a single random bit is sufficient for privately computing xor for any number of players.Our proofs use novel techniques by which we extract random variables from a t-private protocol, and then use the t-privacy property of the protocol to prove properties of these random variables. These properties in turn imply that the number of random bits used by the players is large.
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