Web based multi-platform benchmark program construction in smartphone.


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ABSTRACTA benchmark program provides objective and quantitative experimental data that is used in HW architecture design and as performance criteria. For that reason, a benchmark point must be fairly calculated to make a right decision. It is difficult to benchmark with fairness in embedded systems such as smartphones since there are many HW and SW development environments. For example, iOS adopts ObjectC language and Android supports Java and C/C++ to develop applications. Therefore, it is impossible to apply the same native workload without modification to both iOS and Android platforms. Web-based benchmark programs can solve the problem of fairness. If a platform supports a browsing system, then we can run the same web benchmark program on that platform. In this paper, we construct a web-based benchmark program with JavaScript and HTML5 to evaluate an entire HW platform. The JavaScript workload has three components and the HTML5 workload has two components. Experiment shows that similar runtime characteristics are maintained between native and web workloads. Moreover, we use a compared ratio method to relieve result distortion that comes from unexpected system overheads. Finally, we run our benchmark program on the iOS and many Android platforms.
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