Effective diminution of amniotic prostaglandin production by selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase type 2

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2000)

引用 63|浏览13
Objective: Cyclooxygenase inhibitors are effective tocolytic agents, but significant adverse effects limit their use. We hypothesized that selective inhibitors of the isozyme cyclooxygenase 2 would effectively diminish labor-associated prostaglandin production. Study Design: We analyzed cyclooxygenase type 1 and 2 expression in amnion, chorion, decidua, and myometrium from laboring or nonlaboring women and tested the efficacy of selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibition in diminishing prostaglandin production. Results: The expression of cyclooxygenase 2 in amnion from women in labor, either preterm or at term, was significantly higher than in amnion before labor. In contrast, cyclooxygenase 1 expression was unchanged by labor. The enhanced expression of amniotic cyclooxygenase 2 was associated with increased prostaglandin E2 levels in laboring women. Amniotic prostaglandin E2 production was effectively diminished by the selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors SC-236 and NS-398 but not by the cyclooxygenase 1 inhibitor SC-560. Conclusion: Selective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase 2 are effective in diminishing prostaglandin production in vitro and may be useful in prevention of preterm deliveries. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:370-6.)
Amnion,cyclooxygenase,cyclooxygenase inhibitors,labor,prostaglandin E 2
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