Compositional Boosting for Computing Hierarchical Image Structures


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In this paper, we present a compositional boosting algorithm for detecting and recognizing 17 common image structures in low-middle level vision tasks. These structures, called "graphlets", are the most frequently occurring primitives, junctions and composite junctions in natural images, and are arranged in a 3-layer And-Or graph representation. In this hierarchic model, larger graphlets are decomposed (in And-nodes) into smaller graphlets in multiple alternative ways (at Or-nodes), and parts are shared and re-used between graphlets. Then we present a compositional boosting algorithm for computing the 17 graphlets categories collectively in the Bayesian framework. The algorithm runs recursively for each node A in the And-Or graph and iterates between two steps -bottom-up proposal and top-down validation. The bottom-up step includes two types of boosting methods, (i) Detecting instances of A (often in low resolutions) using Adaboosting method through a sequence of tests (weak classifiers) image feature, (ii) Proposing instances of A (often in high resolution) by binding existing children nodes of A through a sequence of compatibility tests on their attributes (e.g angles, relative size etc). The Adaboosting and binding methods generate a number of candidates for node A which are verified by a top-down process in a way similar to Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo [18]. Both the Adaboosting and binding methods are trained off-line for each graphlet category, and the compositional nature of the model means the algorithm is recursive and can be learned from a small training set. We apply this algorithm to a wide range of indoor and outdoor images with satisfactory results.
compositional boosting algorithm,image detection,bayes methods,learning (artificial intelligence),image resolution,image recognition,data-driven markov chain monte carlo,3-layer and-or graph representation,image classification,adaboosting method,image sequence,image sequences,monte carlo methods,hierarchical image structure computation,multiple alternative way,computer vision,graph theory,markov processes,bayesian framework,image features,top down,top down processing,bayesian methods,learning artificial intelligence,testing,hierarchical model,boosting,image segmentation,low resolution,high resolution,bottom up
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