Privacy and integrity preserving computation in distributed systems

Privacy and integrity preserving computation in distributed systems(2011)

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Preserving privacy and integrity of private data has become core requirements for many distributed systems across different parties. In these systems, one party may try to compute or aggregate useful information from the private data of other parties. However, this party is not be fully trusted by other parties. Therefore, it is important to design security protocols for preserving such private data. Furthermore, one party may want to query the useful information computed from such private data. However, query results may be modified by a malicious party. Thus, it is important to design query protocols such that query result integrity can be verified.In this dissertation, we study four important privacy and integrity preserving problems for different distributed systems. For two-tiered sensor networks, where storage nodes serve as an intermediate tier between sensors and a sink for storing data and processing queries, we proposed SafeQ, a protocol that prevents compromised storage nodes from gaining information from both sensor collected data and sink issued queries, while it still allows storage nodes to process queries over encrypted data and the sink to detect compromised storage nodes when they misbehave. For cloud computing, where a cloud provider hosts the data of an organization and replies query results to the customers of the organization, we propose novel privacy and integrity preserving schemes for multi-dimensional range queries such that the cloud provider can process encoded queries over encoded data without knowing the actual values, and customers can verify the integrity of query results with high probability. For distributed firewall policies, we proposed the first privacy-preserving protocol for cross-domain firewall policy optimization. For any two adjacent firewalls belonging to two different administrative domains, our protocol can identify in each firewall the rules that can be removed because of the other firewall. For network reachability, one of the key factors for capturing end-to-end network behavior and detecting the violation of security policies, we proposed the first cross-domain privacy-preserving protocol for quantifying network reachability.
processing query,cloud provider,storage node,private data,query result,query protocol,encoded query,encoded data,storing data,encrypted data
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