Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction(2013)

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Welcome to Tokyo! The Eighth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2013) is a highly selective conference that aims to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in human-robot interaction with roots in robotics, social psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence, design, engineering, and many more. We invite broad participation and encourage discussion and sharing of ideas across a diverse audience. Robotics is growing increasingly multidisciplinary as it moves towards realizing capable and collaborative robots that are studied in both laboratory and real world settings. Concurrent development of technical, social, and designed aspects of systems, with a concern for how they will improve the world, is needed. Therefore, this year's theme is dedicated to Robots as Holistic Systems, which highlights the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to all of HRI. HRI 2013 focuses on a wide variety of robotic systems that operate, collaborate with, learn from, and meet the needs of human users in real-world environments. Full Papers submitted to the conference were thoroughly reviewed and discussed. The process utilized a rebuttal process and a worldwide team of dedicated, interdisciplinary reviewers. This year's conference continues the tradition of selectivity with 26 out of 107 (24%) submissions accepted. Due to the joint sponsorship of ACM and IEEE, papers are archived in both the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. This year's conference has journal special sessions as a new category for the technical sessions. 7 papers accepted on Journal of Human-Robot Interaction appear on the conference to show their journal level works. Accompanying the full papers are the Late Breaking Reports, Videos, and Demos. For the LBR, 95 out of 100 (95%) two-page papers were accepted and will be presented as posters at the conference. For the Videos, 16 of 22 (72%) short videos were accepted and will be presented during the video session. The Demos is new to our conference. We have 22 robot systems for all participants to be able to interact with the innovative systems. Rounding out the program are two keynote speakers who will discuss topics relevant to HRI: Dr. Yuchiro Anzai and Dr. Tomotaka Takahashi. We also have a panel session on Revisioning HRI Given Exponential Technological Growth.
Human-robot interaction,ACM Digital Library,Human-Robot Interaction,IEEE international conference,Dr. Tomotaka Takahashi,interdisciplinary reviewer,selective conference,Eighth Annual ACM,IEEE Xplore,interdisciplinary approach,IEEE International Conference,best interdisciplinary
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