A Compact Proton Synchrotron with a Combined Function Lattice Dedicated for Medical Use

Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University(1995)

引用 24|浏览6
A proton synchrotron for cancer therapy is presented. The combined function lattice is employed to reduce the size of the synchrotron and make the control to be simple. The present synchrotron employs an RF acceleration cavity of the untuned type, in which higher RF voltage is applied to the acceleration gap with a rather low input power by feeding the RF power to each ferrite respectively. In the beam extraction, the transverse perturbation of the radio frequency is applied to make the beam diffuse and reach the separatrix of the nonlinear resonance. This scheme realizes a simple and low emittance beam extraction with a high duty factor. Furthermore, a new irradiation scheme for treatment is presented in which the proton beam is defocused in the deflecting plane of the bending magnets of the treatment gantry and scanned normal to the deflecting plane. Since the scatterers are not employed, loss of the beam can be significantly reduced.
cancer therapy/ synchrotron/ combined function/ rf cavity/ slow beam extraction/ gantry
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