Developing guidelines for in-the-field control of a team of robots


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In this work we explore the development of guidelines for creating "in-the-field" interfaces for enabling a single user to remotely control multiple robots. The problem of controlling a remote team of robots is complex, requiring a user to monitor and interpret robotic state and sensor information in real time, and to simultaneously communicate direction commands to the robots. The result is that a robot controller is often seated at a console; for many relevant applications such as search and rescue or firefighting this removes the user from the field of action, rendering them unable to directly participate in a task at hand. Therefore, one challenge in HRI is to develop efficient interfaces that will enable a user to effectively control and monitor a team of robots in the field. In our project we explore various interface designs in terms of supporting this goal, taking the approach of involving a panel of professionals in the design process to direct exploration and development.
direction command,efficient interface,direct exploration,single user,robot controller,relevant application,in-the-field control,design process,real time,remote team,multiple robot,remote control,prototypes,human robot interaction,interface design,telerobotics,user interfaces
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