Quantification the quality of dairy products by imaging and texture analysis

ACC'08 Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computing Conference(2008)

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The coagulation of milk is a process during which the milk that is liquid becomes a strong viscous. It is the first and most important stage in cheese industry. Among the methods more used to control the process of the milk coagulation, it is necessary to mention the method ultrasonic sound. This method permits followed it on-line of the coagulation but does not give some information on the manner with which takes place the coagulation and how propagates itself in volume. This coagulation can be homogeneous and or in heap what will have some consequences on the quality of the dairy product manufacture as cheese. For it we used the scan to follow the process of the coagulation in volume and the analysis of texture. A certain number of texture parameters have been found pertinently. Its can use to quantify homogeneity and the fineness of the process of milk's coagulation. The results obtained are potentially useful for the dairy industry and contribute to understand better the physicochemical process occurring during the milk gelation.
dairy industry,certain number,dairy product manufacture,method ultrasonic sound,physicochemical process,cheese industry,milk gelation,texture parameter,method permit,texture analysis,milk coagulation
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