Suggestions for further reading.

W. Mazur, P. Bartels, V. Elomaa, S. Watanabe,K. Wahala, M. Landstrom,E. Lundin, A. Bergh,J. E. Damber,P. Aman,A. Widmark, A. Johansson,J. X. Zhang,G. Hallmans

Journal of dental education(2011)

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Suggestions for Further Reading William M. O'Barr (bio) Most ADText topics are also discussed in other scholarly articles and books, in the advertising trade press, and elsewhere on the Internet. This document provides a guide to sources in Advertising & Society Review that contain further discussion of ADText topics. Some of the connections are more direct than others, but all of those mentioned have the potential for encouraging further thought and examination of the many issues raised by the ADText units. Future updates to this document will include references to scholarly books and articles. Users are also encouraged to search the Internet (including Google Scholar) for additional information on ADText topics. A set of keywords are provided below that may be helpful in Internet searches. Please note: Both references and links are provided to specific A&SR articles. However, you will need to have access to A&SR for the links to work. Libraries may order this title as part of a MUSE subscription package. To order single title subscriptions for this journal, please visit the MUSE Single Title Price List If you are associated with a college or university and do not have automatic access to A&SR, consult your reference librarian. What is Advertising? Keywords: history of advertising, Raymond Williams on advertising, salesmanship in print, salesman, propaganda, product placement, commercial speech "Liquid Modernity" and Irish Identity: Irishness in Guinness, Jameson, and Ballygowan Advertisements Kuhling, Carmen A&SR 9.3 Irish mythtelling in commercials (as in part 10 of unit) On the Cusp of Postwar Modernization: Americanization, International Culture, and Gender Roles in Finnish Commercials, 1955–1975 Kortti, Jukka A&SR 8.4 Advertising and Finnish culture, showing the "middle class talking to itself" in another cultural context Advertising Success Through Consumption: 1900–1929 Brasted, Monica A&SR 7.1 Advertising and the teaching of class values Halo Everybody, Highlow Twitchell, James B. A&SR 6.4 Commissioned art during the Renaissance, similar to the discussion about "advertising as sponsored art" in this unit This is Not an Ad Goldman, Robert A&SR 6.4 Attention grabbing and the trend in the 1980s of making ads that pose as not being ads Roundtable on Teaching about Advertising A&SR 3.3/4 Several professors discuss what topics are included in their courses on advertising The Professor as Critic: William O'Barr Interviews Sut Jhally A&SR 3.2 Cultural critic Sut Jhally discusses his views on advertising and society Advertisements as social tableaux. In Advertising and the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity, 1920-1940 Marchand, Roland A&SR 1.1 Concept of advertising as "social tableaux" complements definitions in the unit A Brief History of Advertising in America Keywords: history of advertising, Benjamin Franklin and advertising, James Gordon Bennett, traveling salesman, salesmanship, P.T. Barnum, Hartman Center for Sales Advertising and Marketing at Duke University, Archives Center in the Museum of American History (Smithsonian), brand, consumerism, history of radio, history of television, global advertising, narrowcasting The Rise of the Jingle Taylor, Timothy D. A&SR 11.2 Jingles were a mainstay of advertising in the early 20th century To What Extent Did American Corporations Publish "Brag Ads" During World War II? Jensen, Ric, and Christopher Thomas A&SR 10.2 Complements discussion of wartime advertising Advertising Success Through Consumption: 1900–1929 Brasted, Monica A&SR 7.1 Focuses on values in advertisements in early decades of 20th century America Roundtable Issue: Conversations about Race and Ethnicity in Advertising A&SR 6.2 Scholars discuss depictions of race and ethnicity in American advertising The Reframing of Traditional Cultural Values: Consumption and World War I Brasted, Monica A&SR 5.4 Values in early 20th century American advertising "Subliminal" Advertising Keywords: subliminal advertising, Vance Packard, motivational research, David Ogilvy, Wilson Bryan Key Does Sex in Advertising Work?: A Review of Scholarly Research Informed by Professional Opinion Reichert, Tom A&SR 8.2 Focus on sex and selling (although not subliminal techniques per se) Making Advertising that is Pro-Woman: Linda Scott (University of Illinois) Interviews Mary Lou Quinlan of Just Ask a Woman Scott, Linda A&SR 4.4 Brief consideration...
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