Strong price of anarchy

Symposium on Discrete Algorithms(2009)

引用 253|浏览294
A strong equilibrium (Aumann 1959) is a pure Nash equilib- rium which is resilient to deviations by coalitions. We define the strong price of anarchy to be the ratio of the worst case strong equilibrium to the social optimum. In contrast to the traditional price of anarchy, which quantifies the loss incurred due to both selfishness and lack of coordination, the strong price of anarchy isolates the loss originated from selfishness from that obtained due to lack of coordination. We study the strong price of anarchy in two settings, one of job scheduling and the other of network creation. In the job scheduling game we show that for unrelated machines the strong price of anarchy can be bounded as a function of the number of machines and the size of the coalition. For the network creation game we show that the strong price of anarchy is at most 2. In both cases we show that a strong equilibrium always exists, except for a well defined subset of network creation games.
job scheduling,strong equilibrium,network formation,strong price of anarchy,congestion games,price of anarchy,c62,coalitions,c72,nash equilibrium
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