Secure Supply-Chain Protocols.


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Supply chain interactions have huge economic impor- tance, yet these interactions are managed inefficiently. One of the major sources of inefficiency in supply-chain man- agement is information asymmetry; i.e., information that is available to one or more organizations in the chain (e.g., manufacturer, retailer) is not available to others. There are several causes of information asymmetry, among them fear that a powerful buyer or supplier will take advantage of private information, that information will leak to a com- petitor, etc. We propose Secure Supply-Chain Collabora- tion (SSCC) protocols that enable supply-chain partners to cooperatively achieve desired system-wide goals with- out revealing the private information of any of the parties, even though the jointly-computed decisions require the in- formation of all the parties. Secure supply-chaincollabora- tion has the potential to improve supply-chain management practice, and, by removing one major inefficiency therein, improve productivity. We present specific SSCC protocols for two types of supply-chain interactions: Capacity allo- cation, and e-auctions. In the course of doing so, we design techniquesthat are of independentinterest, and are likely to be useful in the design of future SSCC protocols.
protocols,cryptographic protocols,secure multiparty computation,supply chain,supply chains,privacy,resource management,information security,security,private information,economy,supply chain management,e auction,government,national security,collaboration,cryptography,e commerce,secure multi party computation,information asymmetry,electronic commerce
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