A computational model of hippocampal function in trace conditioning


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We introduce a new reinforcement-learning model for the role of the hippocam- pus in classical conditioning, focusing on the differences between trace and de- lay conditioning. In the model, all stimuli are represented both as unindividu- ated wholes and as a series of temporal elements with varying delays. These two stimulus representations interact, producing different patterns of learning in trace and delay conditioning. The model proposes that hippocampal lesions eliminate long-latency temporal elements, but preserve short-latency temporal elements. For trace conditioning, with no contiguity between cue and reward, these long-latency temporal elements are necessary for learning adaptively timed responses. For de- lay conditioning, the continued presence of the cue supports conditioned respond- ing, and the short-latency elements suppress responding early in the cue. In accord with the empirical data, simulated hippocampal damage impairs trace condition- ing, but not delay conditioning, at medium-length intervals. With longer intervals, learning is impaired in both procedures, and, with shorter intervals, in neither. In addition, the model makes novel predictions about the response topography with extended cues or post-training lesions. These results demonstrate how temporal contiguity, as in delay conditioning, changes the timing problem faced by animals, rendering it both easier and less susceptible to disruption by hippocampal lesions. The hippocampus is an important structure in many types of learning and memory, with prominent involvement in spatial navigation, episodic and working memories, stimulus configuration, and con- textual conditioning. One empirical phenomenon that has eluded many theories of the hippocampus is the dependence of aversive trace conditioning on an intact hippocampus (but see Rodriguez & Levy, 2001; Schmajuk & DiCarlo, 1992; Yamazaki & Tanaka, 2005). For example, trace eyeblink conditioning disappears following hippocampal lesions (Solomon et al., 1986; Moyer, Jr. et al., 1990), induces hippocampal neurogenesis (Gould et al., 1999), and produces unique activity pat- terns in hippocampal neurons (McEchron & Disterhoft, 1997). In this paper, we present a new ab- stract computational model of hippocampal function during trace conditioning. We build on a recent extension of the temporal-difference (TD) model of conditioning (Ludvig, Sutton & Kehoe, 2008; Sutton & Barto, 1990) to demonstrate how the details of stimulus representation can qualitatively alter learning during trace and delay conditioning. By gently tweaking this stimulus representation and reducing long-latency temporal elements, trace conditioning is severely impaired, whereas de- lay conditioning is hardly affected. In the model, the hippocampus is responsible for maintaining these long-latency elements, thus explaining the selective importance of this brain structure in trace conditioning.
working memory,classical conditioning,temporal difference,spatial navigation,computer model,reinforcement learning
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