A New Proof of Pappus's Theorem


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Any stretching of Ringel's non-Pappus pseudoline arrangement when projected into the Euclidean plane, implicitly contains a particular arrangement of nine triangles. This arrangement has a complex constraint involving the sines of its angles. These constraints cannot be satisfied by any projection of the initial arrangement. This is sufficient to prove Pappus's theorem. The derivation of the constraint is via systems of inequalities arising from the polar coordinates of the lines. These systems are linear in r for any given theta, and their solubility can be analysed in terms of the signs of determinants. The evaluation of the determinants is via a normal form for sums of products of sines, giving a powerful system of trigonometric identities. The particular result is generalized to arrangements derived from three edge connected totally cyclic directed graphs, conjectured to be sufficient for a complete analysis of angle constraining arrangements of lines, and thus a full response to Ringel's slope conjecture. These methods are generally applicable to the realizability problem for rank 3 oriented matroids.
sine,. pseudoline stretching,pappus,oriented matroid realizability,multiset.,polar coordinates,power system,polar coordinate,satisfiability,normal form,sum of products,oriented matroid,directed graph
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