Slc11a1 Enhances the Autoimmune Diabetogenic T-Cell Response by Altering Processing and Presentation of Pancreatic Islet Antigens


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OBJECTIVE-Efforts to map non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes causing type 1 diabetes in NOD mice identified Slc11a1, formerly Nramp1, as the leading candidate gene in the Idd5.2 region. Slc11a1 is a membrane transporter of bivalent cations that is expressed in late endosomes and lysosomes of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). Because DCs are antigen-presenting cells (APCs) known to be critically involved in the immunopathogenic events leading to type 1 diabetes, we hypothesized that Slc11a1 alters the processing or presentation of islet-derived antigens to T-cells. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-NOD mice having wild-type (WT) or mutant Slc11a1 molecules and 129 mice having WT or null Slc11a1 alleles were examined for parameters associated with antigen presentation. RESULTS-We found that Slc11a1 enhanced the presentation of a diabetes-related T-cell determinant of GAD65, and its function contributed to the activation of a pathogenic T-cell clone, BDC2.5. An enhanced generation of interferon (IFN)-gamma-producing T-cells was also associated with functional Slc11a1. The alteration of immune responsiveness by Slc11a1 genotype did not correlate with altered MHC class 11 expression in DCs; however, functional Slc11a1 was associated with accelerated phagocytosis and phagosomal acidification in DCs. CONCLUSIONS-The association of variants encoding Slc11a1 with type I diabetes may reflect its function in processing and presentation of islet self-antigens in DCs. Thus, non-MHC genes could affect the MHC-restricted T-cell response through altered antigen processing and presentation. Diabetes 58:156-164, 2009
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