Dynamic Spyware Analysis

USENIX Technical Conference(2007)

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Spyware is a class of malicious code that is surreptitiously installed on victims' machines. Once active, it silently monitors the behavior of users, records their web surfing habits, and steals their passwords. The collected information is regularly sent back to the spyware distributor, often for the purpose of targeted advertisement. Current anti-spyware tools operate in a way similar to traditional virus scanners. That is, they check unknown programs against signatures associated with known spyware instances. Unfortunately, these techniques cannot identify novel spyware, require frequent updates to signature databases, and are easy to evade by code obfuscation transformations. In this paper, we present a novel dynamic analysis approach that precisely tracks the flow of sensitive information as it is processed by the web browser and any loaded browser helper objects. Using the results of our analysis, we can identify unknown components as spyware and provide comprehensive reports on their behavior. The techniques presented in this paper address limitations of our previous work on spyware detection and significantly improve the quality and richness of our analysis. In particular, our approach allows a human analyst to observe the actual flows of sensitive data in the system. Based on this information, it is possible to precisely determine which sensitive data is accessed and where this data is sent to. Our automated technique is invaluable for spyware analysts because these professionals are typically overhelmed by a large body of samples that need to be manually analyzed every day. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the detection and the comprehensiveness of the generated reports, we evaluated our system on a substantial body of spyware and benign samples.
dynamic spyware analysis,spyware instance,sensitive data,paper address limitation,novel spyware,loaded browser helper object,sensitive information,novel dynamic analysis approach,code obfuscation,spyware detection,malicious code,dynamic analysis
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