Using time use with mobile sensor data: a road to practical mobile activity recognition?

MUM '13: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia(2013)

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Having mobile devices that are capable of finding out what activity the user is doing, has been suggested as an attractive way to alleviate interaction with these platforms, and has been identified as a promising instrument in for instance medical monitoring. Although results of preliminary studies are promising, researchers tend to use high sampling rates in order to obtain adequate recognition rates with a variety of sensors. What is not fully examined yet, are ways to integrate into this the information that does not come from sensors, but lies in vast data bases such as time use surveys. We examine using such statistical information combined with mobile acceleration data to determine 11 activities. We show how sensor and time survey information can be merged, and we evaluate our approach on continuous day-and-night activity data from 17 different users over 14 days each, resulting in a data set of 228 days. We conclude with a series of observations, including the types of activities for which the use of statistical data has particular benefits.
promising instrument,time survey information,statistical data,practical mobile activity recognition,time use survey,mobile sensor data,mobile device,vast data base,statistical information,continuous day-and-night activity data,adequate recognition rate,mobile acceleration data,activity recognition,wearable computing,mobile devices
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