Evaluating Open-Universe Face Identification on the Web

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops(2013)

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Face recognition is becoming a widely used technique to organize and tag photos. Whether searching, viewing, or organizing photos on the web or in personal photo albums, there is a growing demand to index real-world photos by the subjects in them. Even consumer platforms such as Google Picasa, Microsoft Photo Gallery, and social network sites such as Facebook have integrated forms of automated face tagging and recognition, furthermore, a number of libraries and cloud-based APIs that perform face recognition have become available. With such a plethora of choices, comparisons of recent advances become more important to gauge the state of progress in the field. This paper evaluates face identification in the context of not only research algorithms, but also considers consumer photo products, client-side libraries, and cloud-based APIs on a new, large-scale dataset derived from PubFig83 and LFW in a realistic open-universe scenario.
face recognition,consumer platform,consumer photo product,cloud-based apis,open-universe face identification,tag photo,index real-world photo,automated face tagging,face identification,google picasa,personal photo album,world wide web,cloud computing,open set,face,accuracy,sparse representation,support vector machines
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