Genre classification of symbolic music with SMBGT

PETRA '13: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments(2013)

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Automatic music genre classification is a task that has attracted the interest of the music community for more than two decades. Music can be of high importance within the area of assistive technologies as it can be seen as an assistive technology with high therapeutic and educational functionality for children and adults with disabilities. Several similarity methods and machine learning techniques have been applied in the literature to deal with music genre classification, and as a result data mining and Music Information Retrieval (MIR) are strongly interconnected. In this paper, we deal with music genre classification for symbolic music, and specifically MIDI, by combining the recently proposed novel similarity measure for sequences, SMBGT, with the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classifier. For all MIDI songs we first extract all of their channels and then transform each channel into a sequence of 2D points, providing information for pitch and duration of their music notes. The similarity between two songs is found by computing the SMBGT for all pairs of the songs' channels and getting the maximum pairwise channel score as their similarity. Each song is treated as a query to which k-NN is applied, and the returned genre of the classifier is the one with the majority of votes in the k neighbors. Classification accuracy results indicate that there is room for improvement, especially due to the ambiguous definitions of music genres that make it hard to clearly discriminate them. Using this framework can also help us analyze and understand potential disadvantages of SMBGT, and thus identify how it can be improved when used for classification of real-time sequences.
music note,automatic music genre classification,symbolic music,assistive technology,classification accuracy result,music genre classification,music community,novel similarity measure,similarity method,music genre,sequence,midi,classification,genre
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