User-interface design for highly automated systems a structured approach

ATACCS '13: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems(2013)

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Guidelines and theoretical frameworks have been provided by studies concerning the design of interfaces in automated systems. Such studies propose how to define the appropriate level of automation or to assign the proper roles and tasks to human and automation. Nevertheless, failures can still occur in the real interactive actions due to poorly designed interfaces. It is necessary to identify how design intents influence the actual interaction and to map them to the most suitable user-interfaces and interaction techniques. This work puts the basis for a research aimed at building a framework for interface design in future ATM systems. A brief literature review is presented to support the need of this kind of approach. Afterwards the structure of the research project is outlined along with the conclusion in which I state the expectations for the results.
appropriate level,automated system,design intent,research project,proper role,future atm system,brief literature review,interface design,actual interaction,interaction technique,structured approach,user-interface design,user interface design,automation,atm,hci,design
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