Amplitude Normalization Calibration Method for Antenna Channel Uncertainty

Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control(2012)

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In the passive direction finding system, the performance of the spatial spectrum estimation algorithm will be significantly reduced due to mismatch between the ideal signal model and actual signal environments. In this paper, we analyze reasons for angular resolution and direction precision decrease of the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm, build an actual mathematic model of antenna receiving signals based on amplitude and phase errors, and propose a real-time calibration method for channel uncertainty based on amplitude normalization and phase 0° calibration. According to this method, the performance of the MUSIC algorithm is improved by suppressing the random noise and increasing the precision and angular resolution of the MUSIC algorithm. Simulation results and experimental results verify the correctness of this method.
passive direction,multiple signal classification algorithm,calibration,actual signal environment,actual signal environments,antenna channel uncertainty,actual mathematic model,direction finding system,real-time calibration,direction precision,direction precision decrease,directive antennas,real-time calibration method,music algorithm,angular resolution,random noise suppression,direction-of-arrival estimation,signal classification,ideal signal model,antennas,interference suppression,amplitude normalization calibration method,phase error,spatial spectrum estimation algorithm,passive direction finding system,amplitude normalization
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