Improving location recommendations with temporal pattern extraction

WebMedia '12: Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web(2012)

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A key challenge in mobile social media applications is how to present personalized content that is both geographically and temporally relevant. In this paper, we propose a new and generic temporal weighting function for improving location recommendations. First, we identify areas of interest to recommend by clustering geographic activity based on a trace of geotagged photos. Next, the clusters are temporally weighted using TF-IDF, in order to capture seasonality, and a decay scoring function to capture preference drift. Finally, these weights are combined with the cluster scores based on geographic relevance. We evaluate our recommender on a large dataset collected from Panoramio consisting of the top-100 most populated cities in the world and show that incorporating the proposed temporal weighting function improves recommendation quality.
location recommendation,generic temporal weighting function,temporal pattern extraction,cluster score,key challenge,improving location recommendation,geotagged photo,geographic relevance,proposed temporal weighting function,mobile social media application,geographic activity,large dataset,recommender systems
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