A dynamic unit-demand auction supporting bid revision

ICEC '11: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce(2011)

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We present a dynamic unit-demand auction that supports arbitrary bid revision. Each round of the dynamic auction takes a tentative allocation and pricing as part of the input, and allows each bidder --- including a tentatively allocated bidder --- to submit an arbitrary unit-demand bid. We establish strong properties of the dynamic auction related to truthfulness and efficiency. Using a certain privacy preservation property of each round of the auction, we show that the overall dynamic auction is highly resistant to shilling. We present a fast algorithm for implementing the proposed auction. Using this algorithm, the amortized cost of processing each bidding operation is upper bounded by the complexity of solving a single-source shortest paths problem on a graph with nonnegative edge weights and a node for each item in the auction. We propose a dynamic price adjustment scheme that discourages sniping by providing incentives to bid early in the auction.
arbitrary unit-demand bid,arbitrary bid revision,dynamic price adjustment scheme,overall dynamic auction,dynamic unit-demand auction,proposed auction,fast algorithm,amortized cost,bidding operation,dynamic auction
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