A Fast Algorithm for Contrast Restoration of Weather Degraded Images

Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems(2012)

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Images of outdoor scenes captured in bad weather suffer from poor contrast. Under bad weather conditions, the light reaching a camera is severely scattered by the atmosphere. The resulting decay in contrast varies across the scene and is exponential in the depths of scene points. Since traditional space invariant image processing techniques are not sufficient to remove weather effects from images, we present a physics-based model that describes the appearances of scenes in uniform bad weather conditions. Changes in intensities of scene points under different weather conditions provide simple constraints to detect depth discontinuities in the scene and also to compute scene structure. Our weather removal algorithm does not require any a priori scene structure, distributions of scene reflectances, or detailed knowledge about the particular weather condition. This method can be applied to gray scale, RGB color, multi spectral and IR images.
contrast restoration,weather effect,bad weather,bad weather condition,scene point,scene structure,particular weather condition,different weather condition,outdoor scene,uniform bad weather condition,fast algorithm,weather degraded images,scene reflectance,atmospheric optics,meteorology,atmospheric waves,image restoration,atmospheric modeling,scattering,multispectral image,brightness,visibility
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