Hand Gesture Recognition Interface for Visually Impaired and Blind People

Computer and Information Science(2012)

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The practical adaption of interface solutions for visual impaired and blind people is limited by simplicity and usability in practical scenarios. Different solutions (e.g. Drishti\\cite{helal2001drishti}) focuses upon speech or keyboard interfaces, which are not efficient or transparent in every-day environments. As an easy and practical way to achieve human-computer-interaction, in this paper hand gesture recognition was used to facilitate the reduction of hardware components. Additionally a qualitative user study was performed to compare learning curves of different subjects with and without prior knowledge of gesture recognition devices, interpreting the readings from a sensitive surface by machine learning algorithms. The user study was made using well-known machine learning algorithms applied to recognizing symbols from the graffiti handwriting system [2] and the WEKA data mining software [3] for comparing individual machine learning approaches.
hand gesture recognition interface,gesture recognition device,practical adaption,user study,individual machine,different solution,paper hand gesture recognition,blind people,well-known machine,qualitative user study,different subject,practical scenario,visually impaired,gesture recognition,handwriting recognition,hidden markov model,human computer interaction,learning artificial intelligence,wearable computer,learning curve,hidden markov models,machine learning,wearable computers,data mining,hci
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