Component contract-based formal specification technique

ICCSA'05 Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part III(2005)

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When we analyze the business domain, we have to decide what business concepts are to be encapsulated into a component and find what business concepts are to be built by using a reuse component. Also, as a component is reused in the form of a black-box, the reuser must have detailed information about the component, such as the functional and non-functional performance which is necessary to reuse or integrate. So, we will propose a formal approach to design a robust component. First, we analyze a business domain by using Z and category theory. Second, we extract the components and the interfaces from previous analysis results. Lastly, we add component contracts(functional and non-functional performances) to the result. We specify business concept based on DbC which is used broadly to specify the behavior of an interface in an object-oriented area. Also, we will define rules for extraction of components and component contracts from specification. Specially, we will use category theory to analyze the relations between components.
detailed information,formal specification technique,category theory,business concept,reuse component,robust component,non-functional performance,object-oriented area,business domain,formal approach,component contract,object oriented,formal specification
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