A High-Speed FPGA-Based Lossless Data Compression Design for the X-ray Spectrometer Solar Energy Spectra

ICM), 2011 International Conference(2011)

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In order to meet the real-time compression requirements effectively for the solar energy spectrum data of the X-ray spectrometer used as a key payload of Chang'E Mission, the design and implementation of the bit wise OR algorithm based on FPGA is presented in this paper. This algorithm is loss less, and according to the correspondence between different levels of decomposition and logic OR operations, the design can achieve its computational power by employing techniques as appropriate timing control, module reuse, parallel operating modules. Experiment results show that this hardware architecture can compress single data packet within the time range 27us-30us at 30MHz clock frequency and is adapted for compression ratios of about 2.7-31.4. This FPGA architecture has high speed and efficiency and can provide valuable experience and preparation for data compression applications of the particle X-ray spectrometer in ChangE-3 satellite.
hardware architecture,space vehicle electronics,x-ray spectrometer,compression ratio,parallel operating module,particle x-ray spectrometer,timing control module,high-speed fpga-based lossless data,logic or operation,module reuse module,real-time compression requirement,fpga architecture,data compression,timing,solar energy spectrum data,data compression application,digital arithmetic,single data packet,logic design,high-speed fpga-based lossless data compression design,fpga,computational power,x-ray spectrometer solar energy spectra,x-ray spectrometer solar energy,field programmable gate arrays,x-ray spectrometers,change-3 satellite,solar spectra,compression design,bitwise or algorithm,spectrum,lossless data compression,field programmable gate array,solar energy,algorithm design,real time
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