TripleT: Improving Test Responsiveness for High Performance Embedded Systems

Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops(2011)

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Timed testing, i.e. a method of testing where timing plays a crucial role in the test verdict of the test cases, is an important quality assurance strategy in the development of embedded systems. Tool support is essential for timed testing, as timed test cases cannot be executed manually with the required precision. In case studies, we found that the existing timed testing tools do not fulfill all requirements needed for real-world-timed testing: they lack both features and responsiveness. Therefore, we have started the implementation of a timed testing tool called TripleT. TripleT is based on the notion of timed ioco as conformance relation, and uses as basis algorithms already present in TorX. However, we have improved in the responsiveness and execution time of our test cases - two major points when it comes to timeliness in timed testing. This has been achieved by using look-ahead and parallelizing the test case execution of TripleT. In the paper we will report on our approach and the results achieved.
test verdict,test case execution,crucial role,execution time,high performance,improving test responsiveness,tool support,real-world-timed testing,conformance relation,timed testing,case study,test case,quality assurance,optimization,look ahead,automata,embedded system,embedded systems,testing,software quality
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