SQUISH: an online approach for GPS trajectory compression


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GPS-equipped mobile devices such as smart phones and in-car navigation units are collecting enormous amounts spatial and temporal information that traces a moving object's path. The popularity of these devices has led to an exponential increase in the amount of GPS trajectory data generated. The size of this data makes it difficult to transmit it over a mobile network and to analyze it to extract useful patterns. Numerous compression algorithms have been proposed to reduce the size of trajectory data sets; however these methods often lose important information essential to location-based applications such as object's position, time and speed. This paper describes the Spatial QUalIty Simplification Heuristic (SQUISH) method that demonstrates improved performance when compressing up to roughly 10% of the original data size, and preserves speed information at a much higher accuracy under aggressive compression. Performance is evaluated by comparison with three competing trajectory compression algorithms: Uniform Sampling, Douglas-Peucker and Dead Reckoning.
online approach,aggressive compression,gps trajectory data,temporal information,original data size,trajectory compression algorithm,speed information,gps-equipped mobile device,numerous compression algorithm,gps trajectory compression,important information,trajectory data set,mobile device,compression,mobile network,trajectories,applications,dead reckoning,compression algorithm,gps
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