Data Layout Transformation For Stencil Computations On Short-Vector Simd Architectures

CC'11/ETAPS'11 Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Compiler construction: part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software(2011)

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Stencil computations are at the core of applications in many domains such as computational electromagnetics, image processing, and partial differential equation solvers used in a variety of scientific and engineering applications. Short-vector SIMD instruction sets such as SSE and VMX provide a promising and widely available avenue for enhancing performance on modern processors. However a fundamental memory stream alignment issue limits achieved performance with stencil computations on modern short SIMD architectures. In this paper, we propose a novel data layout transformation that avoids the stream alignment conflict, along with a static analysis technique for determining where this transformation is applicable. Significant performance increases are demonstrated for a variety of stencil codes on three modern SIMD-capable processors.
stencil computation,modern SIMD-capable processor,modern processor,modern short SIMD architecture,significant performance increase,stencil code,Short-vector SIMD instruction,fundamental memory stream alignment,novel data layout transformation,stream alignment conflict,short-vector SIMD architecture
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