Superseding Nearest Neighbor Search on Uncertain Spatial Databases

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(2010)

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This paper proposes a new problem, called superseding nearest neighbor search, on uncertain spatial databases, where each object is described by a multidimensional probability density function. Given a query point q, an object is a nearest neighbor (NN) candidate if it has a nonzero probability to be the NN of q. Given two NN-candidates o_1 and o_2, o_1 supersedeso_2 if o_1 is more likely to be closer to q. An object is a superseding nearest neighbor (SNN) of q, if it supersedes all the other NN-candidates. Sometimes no object is able to supersede every other NN-candidate. In this case, we return the SNN-core—the minimum set of NN-candidates each of which supersedes all the NN-candidates outside the SNN-core. Intuitively, the SNN-core contains the best objects, because any object outside the SNN-core is worse than all the objects in the SNN-core. We show that the SNN-core can be efficiently computed by utilizing a conventional multidimensional index, as confirmed by extensive experiments.
uncertain,nearest neighbor search,nonzero probability,uncertain spatial databases,best object,conventional multidimensional index,query point q,multidimensional probability density function,nn-candidates o_1,nearest neighbor,superseding nearest neighbor search,o_1 supersedeso_2,extensive experiment,spatial database. to appear in ieee tkde.,uncertainty,indexation,spatial database,neural networks,probability density function,multidimensional systems
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