The Evaluation of the Incomplete Linguistic Preference Relations on the Performance of Web Shops

Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2009. HIS '09. Ninth International Conference(2009)

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The proposes of this study is to ascertain the effect of using Incomplete Linguistic Preference Relations based group decision making under a fuzzy environment to help decision makers select the best one amongst multiple criteria and alternatives. This study not only applies Multi-Criteria Decision Making with Incomplete Linguistic model (InlinPreRa) and uses horizontal, vertical and oblique pairwise comparison algorithms to construct but also expansion group decision making model. When the decision maker is carrying out the pairwise comparison, the following problems can be avoided: time pressure, lack of complete information, the decision maker is lack of this professional knowledge, or the information provided is unreal and thus it is difficult to obtain information. In this study, the Web shops' performances will be evaluated effective and immediate in this model.
complete information,multi-criteria decision,web shops,group decision,incomplete linguistic model,oblique pairwise comparison algorithm,web shop,expansion group decision,pairwise comparison,decision maker,incomplete linguistic preference relations,additives,electronic commerce,mcdm,radiation detectors,data mining,internet,indexes,fuzzy set theory,group decision making,appraisal
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