Dedicated Rewriting: Automatic Verification of Low Power Transformations in RTL

New Delhi(2009)

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We present dedicated rewriting, a novel technique to automatically prove the correctness of low power transformations in hardware systems described at the Register Transfer Level (RTL). We guarantee the correctness of any low power transformation by providing a functional equivalence proof of the hardware design before and after the transformation. We characterize low power transformations as rules, within our system. Dedicated rewriting is a highly automated deductive verification technique specially honed for proving correctness of low power transformations. We provide a notion of equivalence and establish the equivalence proof within our dedicated rewriting system. We demonstrate our technique on a non-trivial case study. We show equivalence of a Verilog RTL implementation of a Viterbi decoder, a component of the DRM SoC, before and after the application of multiple low power transformations.
novel technique,hardware description languages,automatic verification,rewriting systems,verilog rtl implementation,automated deductive verification,viterbi decoder,dedicated rewriting,hardware systems,register transfer level,multiple low power transformation,functional equivalence proof,hardware design,equivalence proof,low power transformations,correctness proving,formal verification,hardware system,drm soc,low power transformation,deductive verification technique,databases,optimization,viterbi algorithm,decoding,hardware,automated deduction
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