A quantitative assessment of a methodology for collaborative specification and evaluation of clinical guidelines.

Journal of Biomedical Informatics(2008)

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We introduce a three-phase, nine-step methodology for specification of clinical guidelines (GLs) by expert physicians, clinical editors, and knowledge engineers and for quantitative evaluation of the specification's quality. We applied this methodology to a particular framework for incremental GL structuring (mark-up) and to GLs in three clinical domains. A gold-standard mark-up was created, including 196 plans and subplans, and 326 instances of ontological knowledge roles (KRs). A completeness measure of the acquired knowledge revealed that 97% of the plans and 91% of the KR instances of the GLs were recreated by the clinical editors. A correctness measure often revealed high variability within clinical editor pairs structuring each GL, but for all GLs and clinical editors the specification quality was significantly higher than random (p<0.01). Procedural KRs were more difficult to mark-up than declarative KRs. We conclude that given an ontology-specific consensus, clinical editors with mark-up training can structure GL knowledge with high completeness, whereas the main demand for correct structuring is training in the ontology's semantics.
completeness measure,clinical editor pair,ontological knowledge role,collaborative specification,clinical guideline,specification quality,clinical domain,correctness measure,knowledge engineer,acquired knowledge,clinical editor,quantitative assessment,clinical decision support systems,knowledge engineering,clinical decision support system,ontologies,correctness,knowledge base,completeness,gold standard,evaluation
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