Establishing Visual Correspondence from Multi-Resolution Graph Cuts for Stereo-Motion

Montreal, Que.(2007)

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This paper presents the design and implementation of a multi-resolution graph cuts (MRGC) for stereo-motion framework that produces dense disparity maps. Both stereo and motion are estimated simultaneously under the origi- nal graph cuts framework [7]. Our framework extends the problem from one to five dimensions, creating a large in- crease in complexity. Using three different multi-resolution graph cut algorithms, LDNR, EL and SAC, we reduce the number of pixelsmand the number of labels n that limit the á . â swap algorithm (with complexity O(mn2) required from the definition of our semi-metric smoothness function. This results in a reduction of computation time and the abil- ity to handle larger images and larger label sets. The choice of the three MRGC algorithms to use in computation deter- mines the appropriate level of accuracy and computation time desired.
appropriate level,stereo-motion framework,different multi-resolution graph cut,computation time,nal graph cuts framework,larger image,complexity o,mrgc algorithm,visual correspondence,multi-resolution graph cut,larger label set,multi-resolution graph cuts,image resolution,graph theory,image reconstruction,pixel,stereo vision,graph cut,motion estimation,layout,simulated annealing,computer vision
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